164 results total, viewing 151 - 164
Iowa Trust & Savings Bank’s Board of Directors, Management and Staff are pleased to announce a donation to the Emmetsburg Community School District. The Emmetsburg … more
The Classes of 1972, 73, and 74 met Friday evening and experienced the hail storm together. It became a chant, “We had a hail of a good time”. Saturday the group spent the day at Spring … more
Emmetsburg Community Schools Superintendent Cory Jenness took a few minutes before school begins to reflect on his inaugural year in Emmetsburg. Welcoming was the first word he used. He, his wife and … more
This family was found enjoying the last few days of summer at Soper Park on Tuesday. Rain dampened spirits on Sunday andMonday and the forecast for the weekend says it is going to be hot. Enjoying … more
ACCEPTING ANOTHER DONATION – The proposed School to School Trail project moved closer to its goal of $100,000 last week. A $3,000 donation from Iowa Lakes Electric Member Owners Charitable … more
Iowa Lakes Community College has recently completed significant upgrades to the Arthur and Audrey Smith Wellness Center’s cardiovascular and weight rooms, including new state-of-the-art … more
The seventh annual St. Pat’s Association’s Barbecue and Summer Bash again attracted barbecue enthusiasts from states such as Nebraska, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa. Some of … more
Over 120 people experienced Christmas in July at the annual Kossuth/Palo Alto Economic Development Breakfast held last Wednesday morning. St. Michael’s Parish Center in Whittemore was decorated … more
Following the Extension Council Barbecue on the opening night of the Palo Alto County Fair, the open pavilion was full. Everyone seated was interested in the various stage activities including the … more
D.J. Vogeler, Natural Lakes Research Technician was on Five Island Lake last Thursday. His objective was to collect several crappie and yellow perch for research purposes. He netted several of each … more
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